The First Post
Hello all, I have joined the masses and I have now got my self a blog.
Well ill post what i get up to each day no matter how boring or exciting, we will see.
Ill have to warn you now my spelling is awful!
Ok, today was spent mostly in bed curing my headache which was coursed by the cunsuption of too much alcohol the night before, at a Barbie and lumberjack party, which i have memory of. Today I stumbled around and moaned till around 2pm till my flat mates girlfriend offered to give me a deep-tissue massage which was only resulted in more moaning. At the time it was extremely painful but has left my back feeling wonderfully relaxed. Thanks Rose :-)
hehe :-) True, I should of turned up as a BBQ to be different.
7:21 am
sorry allie i didn't answer your question. b then c then f :-)
4:54 pm
you're welcome for the massage! God I'm good to you lot!
5:38 pm
Если хочется работать ляг поспи и всё пройдёт если ты будешь упорно работать по восемь часов в день то со временем станешь
1:13 pm
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