lawn Bowls

Well after work a few mates and I decided to head of to the Newtown Workingman's Bowls Club for a game of Bowls and some cheep beer. You get free membership if your a Radio Active card holder which only cost $1. Had a tournament which i won then had another game with kiff and got my ass kicked. We then headed home to watch the Top Gear Winter Olympics which we downloaded as we missed it on TV.
How English! I think when I next come down we should do heaps of english bowls, drink cider, watch Eastenders and spend the day pretending to be snobby english folk and go "Oh and say old chap, by jingo I think you're right! We do need another round of scrumpy jacks!"
10:30 pm
oh and dont forget the rhubarb and custard sweeties chappie :-) I nearly got some Mushy peas the other day, saw some at New World super market in Island Bay
11:04 pm
don't you just hate the fact that you can't get a pea fritter in the fish and chip shop? and how fish and chips don't taste the same? what fish here is the same as cod back home eh? and don't tell me its hokey, sooo wrong!
8:43 pm
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