Welcome to Mr Mackie's Blog, a site about an artistic Vespa riding lanky dyslexic who thinks of him self as a DJ

Saturday, April 01, 2006


This is late but I was sort of was preoccupied last night. We had a very little party in the f4t house last night, Candida, F4tty and I had a few drinks and played a few bored games. Also yesterday I caught up with my dad for breakfast, as he was in town for some medical conference.

I was brought up to believe that how I saw myself was more important than how others saw me.
Anwar el-Sadat (1918 - 1981)


Blogger HA said...

you forgot to mention the fact that the house looked a complete state in the morning..i wish I had taken a photo! Card fights and Pictionary...I had such a good night..HAHAHA

10:34 pm


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