Desk top blues

My dad just sent me this link (very cool) Desk Top Blues Click where it tells you click when ready to to make it work.
A very lazy day indeed today, I bought 2 new fish for my tank (silver dollars) and lay on my bed doodling into my sketch book listening to some old vinyl which i got from some second hand shop for a dollar each, who needs mp3s!
The covers of this book are too far apart.
-- Ambrose Bierce
And no I don't have the Blues just incase your wondering quite the opposite ;-)
7:25 pm
u know, if your fishtank gets too full i know a cat down the road who would gladly take some of them off your hands... :O
1:04 am
But he can't eat theem 'cos he can't cook - he'll have to take them to the local take-away to cook them for him :-)
1:27 pm
Nice site!
[url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]
6:01 pm
Thank you!
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6:01 pm
Nice site! |
6:01 pm
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