Welcome to Mr Mackie's Blog, a site about an artistic Vespa riding lanky dyslexic who thinks of him self as a DJ

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

yo bro

Well Saturday night was a bit of a blast the band had probably there last gig, i just did the sound and set up which reminds me Sasha still has all my gear which i have to pick up some how from the Hutt we all caught a bus back into town which was almost a sea of spue as most bodies on the bus were drunk. not much happening this week so far just work and spending time on the phone :-) tonight Im keeping cosey and warm in my little room listening to Nat Radio hearing how cold it is all around the country!..... Brrrrr

Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while.
~Kin Hubbard


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why is it the last gig?

11:39 pm

Blogger Mr Mackie said...

the bands last gig the lead singer of the band that i was participating in has just moved to Auck with a new job

7:16 am


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