Welcome to Mr Mackie's Blog, a site about an artistic Vespa riding lanky dyslexic who thinks of him self as a DJ
Monday, May 29, 2006
best time ever!!!
Wow Thanks Wetrost for the splendid weekend, had a great time in Chch looking at books, eating, looking at arty farty stuff, shopping for thunder pants and other things....... back in wellington all bored now! might wonder down to the city library and read new smelly books!
The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread. ~Mother Teresa
I hope that you didn't get hit around your head with a ladies handbag and end up in tears . . . . but not being a rugby supporter you may not know what I am talking about :-)
Human with blood from England, Scotland, Germany, India, Switzerland and more or less likely from Africa. Conceived on the Isle of Skye, Scotland at the end of 1978.
Born in Manchester, England in 1979. Lived in the following places:
Dargiville, NZ in 1984,
Masterton NZ in 1985,
Lower Hutt, NZ in 1987.
Geelong, Australia in 1988.
Oswestry, England in 1991.
Llandudno Wales in 1992.
Whangarei New Zealand in 1997
Wellington New Zealand in 2005
Christchurch New Zealand in 2006
I hope that you didn't get hit around your head with a ladies handbag and end up in tears . . . . but not being a rugby supporter you may not know what I am talking about :-)
12:57 am
You'll have to tell Mr Mackie who Tana and Chris are, Wetroast. He won't know:-) The Japanese meal sounds good - shall I book a table at Cafe Hana?
7:53 pm
Once again we miss each other. Guess Who!!
7:09 pm
hi kilo!
Next time! sorry :o(
7:52 pm
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