Deidre goes flat and the U.S Embassy

Well I had an intresting wee epasode on Deidre today, I was riding her back home after work when I started to wobble a little, at first I thought it must of been the fumes from passing trucks making me feel giddy, till I notice it was geting worse, i slowed down relising that my tire was going flat. I went as far as I could as we were on the motoway and you cant realy stop to change a wheel safaly, so I pulled off at the nearest exit whch was only 100m away thank god! The exit happend to be by the U.S Embassy (which having this in my post will probably have the CIA checking my Blog to make sure that Im not a terrorist) I parked Deidre on the foot path which is owend by the NZ tax payer which wasnt on U.S land. A guard came out and told me that I couldnt change my tire there as it was a risk to the United States of America I laughed and walked my scooter down the road to a carpark. I thought I better do up dear old Deidre like the one in the pick and hoon up and down the road of the embassy to give them a fright next time. manage to change my wheel but now need a new tire as the spare one i put on has a little rip. a weekend job.
I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, "Mother, what was war?"
~Eve Merriam
You should have told the yankie guard that Mr Bush is far more of a risk to the USA than your scooter is.
9:46 pm
Here, Here Percy! You should have asked him for his passport as he looked a bit dodgy and could be a threat to New Zealand safety!
7:55 pm
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