Cassettes rule!

In this age where every one walks down the street listening to there Ipods in there own little audio bubbles, we tend to forget that it wasn't that long ago that we spent 90min compiling audio tapes with our favourite tracks form either CD or vinyl. I have just recently got out my huge collection of audio tapes and my old Onkyo Cassette deck and surprisingly they sound good, this one was a pretty expensive one at the time and with all the setting right and as long as if the tape was originally recorded with Dolby settings it sounds great! wish i still had my old Walkman with the radio built in as that would be equivalent to pod-casts :-)
Some cool cassette links
Wikipedia -Audio Cassette
Cassette Forum
I remember my walkman.. it was the coolest thing around.
I remember having a red one, it was HUGE thinking back on it. I still have all my tapes somewhere in a box.
10:20 pm
and the batteries only lasted an hour compared to ipods today that last 18+hrs
10:55 pm
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