missed the scoot rally :-(

Well I didn't make it to the meeting place at 6am for the NZ scoot rally, too bugged and the weather is real shit (gale force winds and rain) I wasn't too sure where I was going to sleep tonight, probably in a field.
Last night however was an interesting night, I put in a lot of effort in getting all my gear to my mates pace for DJing at his crew party and it all ended at 11, so it was a bit of a mission. I played a laid back set to start of with then after Dave showed his film to the crew I played some Drum and Bass then I got lazy and put on my Ipod. couple of my mates had gone to a bar to see a Clash cover band so I went to go and join them. It was a good gig, one were ear plugs were a must! At one stage of the gig i feel asleep on one of the couches and had some bar staff trying to wake me as if I was drunk. After the gig had finished we went back to were the crew party had been and packed out all my gear and then drove home. Not much planed today as the weather is shit. Some of the walls in our house flex an inch in the winds which is pretty scary.
Shame about the rally - though better not to go when the weather is so bad. Weather just perfect here :-) - very little wind and nice and warm.
2:53 pm
I spent the day doing must do stuff like tiding my room and washing :-)
6:19 pm
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