Chores chores chores

Spent most of yesterday doing chores around Mum's house, then later she had a friend around for tea. whilst we were eating a little field mouse ran across the living room floor! i jumped up on my chair and screamed (i was so embarrassed, they made me put it in an up side down cup and put it outside with the cup still over it. I wanted to set it free but they said leave it till it dies, poor thing it actually looked real cute. and when I went to bed last night mum had put a old shoe lace to look like a mouses tale, under my pillow to make me squeal again, but I didn't even notice it ha :o)
Oh, crumbs.
Penfold from "Danger Mouse"
That little mouse may be a distant relative of yours, meaning it may have eaten some nuts from the tree that grew close to your deceased relatives, which means it has a little part of you in it - think of it as a distant cousin... YOU HAVE TO SET IT FREE!!!!
8:16 am
its dead the cup had blown over and it was R.I.P ing :-(
2:51 pm
mew! i was going to suggest taking it for a scooter ride and dropping it off somewhere!
3:00 pm
erm the fact the scooter is in the garage with me should be ignored....
3:00 pm
Anonymous, if it had been chewing nuts from a tree that grows near to J's dead relatives, it must be a super-mouse because it would have had to swim/fly/run from Europe! The reason why we made him keep the cup (his choice of a big-game hunting implement by the way) was because he wouldn't walk to the end of the garden in the dark to let it free (mind you, the end of the garden is about 200m from the house). We knew that if he let it free just outside the house it would run straight back indoors - then we would never have got him down from the chair :-).
3:59 pm
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