power cuts

Lately we have had a few 3 hour or so power cuts down are street and it made me relies that i don't have a emergency kit just incase the BIG quake hits Wellington, mind you if that quake hit the house, it would probably fall down into to the hill so any emergency kit would be useless, well any way today i popped into Jaycar a little electronic gadget shop and saw this cute little dynamo FM/AM radio with LED touch which i couldn't resist i also saw that they had hydrogen power cells for $120 which would be cool as they only work on water but ill leave that for another day. Had a wonderful time catching up with Wetroast and my dad just a bit quiet now as no one is around :o( ill spend tonight tucked up in bed as its bloody cold!
Time is what prevents everything from happening at once.
~John Archibald Wheeler
You should have your Civil Defence kit ready mr mackie. I have.
6:40 pm
defiantly !!!
7:16 pm
Kilo - what do you suggest I put in my Civil Defence kit?
I have a store of food and some water in the house but if I wasn't in the house when the 'event' happened then what? Should we carry an emergency kit in the car as well as have one in the house?
8:58 pm
Mr Mackie, do you remeber that essay I did years ago in Geelong? Titled "What have ready to prepare for an earthquake". If I remember I suggested condoms, the pill if appropriate and a good bottle of red wine!
10:15 am
Have a look at www.getthru.govt.nz that is the new CD website that is on the adverts in TV. It will have everything you need. But We need to look after ourselves for at Least 3 DAYS before CD will kick. People think that CD will be there but most of the people in CD are you and me. And the first rule we are taught is to look after your faimly first.
6:16 pm
here is a better link on the website.
Cheers KILO
6:20 pm
It'll take a long time for my family to arrive, Kilo! I'll just have to look after myself :-)
10:46 pm
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