
Started the day with 4 weetbix then walked to work which was a 70 min walk, f4tty walked half way then headed home. On the way we found a lost puppy on the beach so we rang its not so distressed owner who apparently was just about to hop in the shower and wasn't aware that it was lost. The pup was sort of like my old dog Meka who I left in Whangarei when I moved down to Wellington (pictured) miss her heaps! We did every thing together; Sunday drives, kayaking, mountain biking and even going to the pub, she was good at getting me home at closing time ;-)
Anyway looks like i might have some little visitors one day soon, Layla and Sven (boy in picture) who are my X's kids who I was a step dad to for 5 years might be making a trip to Wellington one weekend Sven and the next Layla. They will fly down from Whangarei I guess, should be heaps of fun since they haven't been down to Wellington before. I will have to get a kids helmet for the scooter :-)
Not much on tonight just movies and food (Hot Dogs) :-)
I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it.
Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973)
haha he said the same thing, Like there going to trash is Daft Mall thing....... :-)
7:03 pm
spelt purposely :-)
8:17 pm
Ooohhh.. I want to know what the removed comment said..
BTW, I like your Picasso quote.
10:43 am
How about this. They break it. You brought it. I'm not saying they will but you have to be aware I will make you pay for anything they break or damage.
11:46 am
Gorman settle down.. I have an entire HOUSE full of stuff that's worth more than the stuff in your room. These are basically his _stepchildren_ dude.. its all good :)
2:21 pm
Most of your stuff might not have the appeal that mine does to young kids...
I don't know if they are into that stuff, but I do worry.
2:58 pm
Gorman, I am sure your bits and pieces will be safe. L & S have been brought up in a home with real art works, costing tens of thousands of dollars, including original paintings by HR Giger. If anything is broken the cost will be covered. (by there mum of course) :-)
I deleted one of the comments because misspelled and couldn’t edit it
4:03 pm
You're entitled to worry of course.. but getting up in arms about it is just a bit much ;) You sound like an old lady with her chinaware.
Good fun at bowls today, good to have more people coming.
1:45 am
And they visited the home of THIS old lady hundreds of times and never even so much as chipped the bone china. . . . . . they smashed the crystal of course. :-) Just joking!
6:19 am
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