Johnny's Back....!

Been a bit of a funny day today. My old cat Mitzi made an appearance, she hasn't been seen for the last 6 months and turned up on mums door step the day I was due to leave, I had a good little cuddle and spoilt her with some milk and food. The flight to Auckland from Whangarei was very bumpy at one time a lady down at the front screamed with fear then I shouted whooo as I was really enjoying the bumps, everyone looked back at me with discuss. I got stopped at security in Auckland as they thought I had dodgy stuff in my bag which was full of art supplies they asked what the paint was made from (Gouache) i didn't dare tell them it was bird poo as they might of thought i was taking the piss, got through in the end. Candida Rose and Dean meet me at the airport and Candida had baked lots of little cup cakes for my return! Thanks :o)
this quote is funny even from a blokes perspective :-)
I think, therefore I'm single.
-- Female philosopher
A big thank you to Jonathan for all he did for me this last week.
He worked his little bum off - cooked meals, even loaded the dish-washer once or twice :-) He washed and hosed down the outside of the house and cut the grass (2.5 acres takes a lot of cutting, even on a ride-on mower), and generally helped out. It was good to have him here.
9:13 pm
Your pleasure :)
9:17 pm
But what about the bounganvillea?
10:29 pm
long lost cats and cupcakes... what a super day! :)
(mmm cupcakes... i SO miss baking. ovens are a rare thing here.)
10:36 pm
Mitzi is back again this morning - and right now is eating the Rolls Royce cat foot I bought her - and lapping up milk!
6:42 am
nice, you now have a new bounty hunter to kill your mice problem.
6:49 am
I would have whooped too - even though I am a nana. I am a trendy-cool-nana though and still enjoy faun fair rides and going on the back of Vespas . . . . . . and wait for it . . . I have a Gold Medal for Rock 'n Roll :-)0
3:10 pm
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