Welcome to Mr Mackie's Blog, a site about an artistic Vespa riding lanky dyslexic who thinks of him self as a DJ

Saturday, March 11, 2006

my vespa has faild me :-(

I was going for a Saturday ride with my mate Robert today for his 30th birthday around Seaton and then out of the blue my clutch cable broke whiles in 4th gear on my vespa. I managed to make it to Island bay chugging along, at one time I had to ride on the foot part to avoid stopped traffic as if I stopped there was no way of starting again, it was amusing but sad at the same time. I dropped the vespa at a scooter buddies house were it will have to stay till Monday :-( its probably going to be expensive to fix :-( all sad now, Robert and I are now Drowning our sorrows with some Bennett's Beer then off to watch some free moves at Rialto.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:29 pm

Blogger HA said...

boo! NOOOOO it can't die! don't forget you promised me a ride on the scooter when I next visit :) Hope it gets better soon!

11:24 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw that's not good news, you poor thing! So will it be fixed by Tuesday? I hope you're coming to work on Tuesday, geez one day without you there is going to be like hell hehe, you're the only one as sane as I am lol

9:22 pm

Blogger CHEAPTAP.CO.UK -- Enjoy the water, enjoy your life! said...

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4:02 pm


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