Well our new band "Bystander Affect" had our first jam today, was pretty fun! We got the name Bystander Affect from how people react like sheep in crowds. For example if some one fell, who would make the move to see if that person was OK or Would people wait for some one else to make that move first and then react on that action. our sound is going to be a little Trip Hopi.
Later on in the day I caught up with Kiff and D's dad and new ladder mum as their in Wellywood for the long weekend.
I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.
Albert Einstein:
congrats on the new band :) when you're rich and famous i might have a wee talk to 'woman's weekly'...! he he. please give pa and new-ma a BIG hug from me, i miss them. HAPPY EASTER!!
2:35 am
will do, I think there having lots of fun on their honey moon! and Happy Easter to you all!!!
10:08 am
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