Welcome to Mr Mackie's Blog, a site about an artistic Vespa riding lanky dyslexic who thinks of him self as a DJ

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Ok this is the plan!

Friday 21 April 00:00 Hop out of bed and I hop on Deaidre and ride her to the ferry terminal.
01:55 My ferry departs Wellington Hopefully buoyant!
04:55 Arrive in Picton, South Island (marked as a big 1 on the map
06:30 look around Nelson till some greasy breakfast places open
09:30ish Depart Nelson and head for the hills towards Greymouth, stoping in randome places for photos
16:00ish Arive in Greymouth (marked as a big 2 on the map) find more food and a bed and sleep

Saturday 22 April 09:30 Leave Greymouth and go up Arthur's pass with Deaidre and over to Christchurch
14:00 Arrive in Christchurch (3 on the map) and spend a few days with friends.

Tuesday 25 April 12:00 Head up the east cost back to Picton stopping at Kaikoura for some Kai
21:00 Hop on the ferry back to Wellywood
01:15 Should be home by this time to get a few hours sleep before work, 6 hours later.

Click on the map for more detail


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck with the trip Jon.

7:38 am

Blogger Mr Mackie said...

Thanks Jess should have lots of interesting stories to tell at the next scoot meet, Yep and Wetroast my eyeballs will have plenty of exercise :-) just chilling to those CD'S A Big Thanks, nice pic ;o)

5:42 pm


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